The 2024 Glen Ridge Taekwon-do In-House Competition
Saturday April 27, 2024
Glen Ridge Taekwon-do - 133 Glenridge Avenue - Montclair, NJ
Competition Rules & Regulations
All competitors must review and follow the rules of competition for The 2024 Glen Ridge Taekwon-do In-House Competition . In order to compete Competitors must complete a registration form and waiver, and all fees must be paid.
Any pictures or video taken in connection with this tournament can be used for publicity or promotion without compensation.
Each competitor must present himself to the referee wearing a complete uniform in a good state of repair, with the appropriate belt and equipment, and physically prepared to compete. If he is not prepared to compete as deemed by the center referee, the competitor may be penalized for delay of time.
If the competitor is not at his ring ready to compete when competition for his division begins, he may be excused from competing at the discretion of the Head Judge, Head of Court, or Center Referee. Further, if a competitor leaves the ring after the competition begins and is not present when his name is called to compete, he may be excused from competing at the discretion of the Head Judge, Head of Court, or Center Referee.
All competitors must review and follow the rules of competition for The 2024 Glen Ridge Taekwon-do In-House Competition . In order to compete Competitors must complete a registration form and waiver, and all fees must be paid.
Any pictures or video taken in connection with this tournament can be used for publicity or promotion without compensation.
Each competitor must present himself to the referee wearing a complete uniform in a good state of repair, with the appropriate belt and equipment, and physically prepared to compete. If he is not prepared to compete as deemed by the center referee, the competitor may be penalized for delay of time.
If the competitor is not at his ring ready to compete when competition for his division begins, he may be excused from competing at the discretion of the Head Judge, Head of Court, or Center Referee. Further, if a competitor leaves the ring after the competition begins and is not present when his name is called to compete, he may be excused from competing at the discretion of the Head Judge, Head of Court, or Center Referee.
Board Breaking
Board breaking competitors may use boards purchased from the Glen Ridge Taekwon-do In-House Competition.
Competitors must break wooden boards; no bricks or tiles or plastic boards. Competitors may not use glass or fire or anything that could be a hazard to others or could cause any damage to the facility or the mats.
Because of time and space limitations all board breaking competitors will be allowed a maximum of three stations. A station can consist of more than one break.
Competitors will be allowed two minutes to set up their breaks. Competitors taking longer can be awarded a minus half point at the Judges’ discretion. If the delay is not a result of the competitor’s fault, no deduction will take place.
Adults and Black Belts will have a maximum of three attempts on each breaking station.
In the event of a tie each competitor will simultaneously break a board with a technique of his or her choosing so the judges can make a decision.
Board breaking competitors may use boards purchased from the Glen Ridge Taekwon-do In-House Competition.
Competitors must break wooden boards; no bricks or tiles or plastic boards. Competitors may not use glass or fire or anything that could be a hazard to others or could cause any damage to the facility or the mats.
Because of time and space limitations all board breaking competitors will be allowed a maximum of three stations. A station can consist of more than one break.
Competitors will be allowed two minutes to set up their breaks. Competitors taking longer can be awarded a minus half point at the Judges’ discretion. If the delay is not a result of the competitor’s fault, no deduction will take place.
Adults and Black Belts will have a maximum of three attempts on each breaking station.
In the event of a tie each competitor will simultaneously break a board with a technique of his or her choosing so the judges can make a decision.
Forms must be rank-appropriate. Students who have recently received new ranks and are not yet proficient in the new form are allowed to do the lower rank form.
Juniors (color belt and Black Belt) and Adult Color belt competitors who are unable to complete a form will be allowed to restart. Adult Black Belt competitors who are unable to complete the form will be excused from competition and will be scored accordingly. Competitors who restart a form will receive an automatic minus half-point for each restart.
In the event of a tie each competitor will simultaneously do a form of his or her choosing and the judges will make a decision.
Black Belt competitors placing 1st in their division will qualify for the Grand Champion Forms competition.
Forms must be rank-appropriate. Students who have recently received new ranks and are not yet proficient in the new form are allowed to do the lower rank form.
Juniors (color belt and Black Belt) and Adult Color belt competitors who are unable to complete a form will be allowed to restart. Adult Black Belt competitors who are unable to complete the form will be excused from competition and will be scored accordingly. Competitors who restart a form will receive an automatic minus half-point for each restart.
In the event of a tie each competitor will simultaneously do a form of his or her choosing and the judges will make a decision.
Black Belt competitors placing 1st in their division will qualify for the Grand Champion Forms competition.
Full protective gear is required for the sparring competition. All matches are semi-contact, continuous matches. Competitors must bring their own protective gear which must include the following:
Equipment must be in a good condition and free of heavy taping, tears or any other repairs that may cause injury. The Center Referee ultimately determines the approval or denial of the equipment.
Sparring for Juniors all levels will be two 90-second rounds, and for Adults all levels will be two 2-minute rounds. If a match is tied at the end of two rounds, there will be additional sudden death rounds until a winner is determined by the scoring of the first point.
Points will be awarded as follows:
A point is a technique that is scored by a competitor in-bounds and up-right (not considered down) without time being called that strikes a competitor with the allowable amount of contact and control to a legal target area.
Legal target areas are:
- All divisions are allowed controlled contact kicks and punches to the front and sides of the torso.
- Black Belts age 12 and up and Adult color belts age 15 and up are allowed controlled contact kicks and punches to the back of the chest guard but not the spine.
- Black Belts age 12 and up and Adult color belts age 15 and up are allowed controlled contact kicks to the facial area, and sides of the head.
Illegal targets:
- No competitor in any division is allowed to strike any area below the belt, the top and back of the head, or the spine
- Black Belts below age 12, and Junior Color Belts (14 and under) are not allowed to kick or punch to the back of the chest guard
- There is no head contact of any type for Black Belts below age 12, and for Junior Color Belts age 15 and under.
All competitors must maintain self-control in the ring, only kicks and punches with light and/or semi contact are allowed. Referees may disqualify competitors for excessive contact.
Illegal techniques include:
Warnings include, but are not limited to:
Minus points include but are not limited to:
Disqualification may result from any of the following:
Full protective gear is required for the sparring competition. All matches are semi-contact, continuous matches. Competitors must bring their own protective gear which must include the following:
- Chest guard (optional)
- Shin and instep protectors
- Forearm protectors
- Head gear
- Mouth guard
- Male competitors are required to wear groin protector
Equipment must be in a good condition and free of heavy taping, tears or any other repairs that may cause injury. The Center Referee ultimately determines the approval or denial of the equipment.
Sparring for Juniors all levels will be two 90-second rounds, and for Adults all levels will be two 2-minute rounds. If a match is tied at the end of two rounds, there will be additional sudden death rounds until a winner is determined by the scoring of the first point.
Points will be awarded as follows:
- All legal kicks and punches that score will be awarded one (1) point.
- Legal hand techniques are straight punch using either the lead hand or reverse hand. No open hand techniques are allowed, and no spinning (blind) back fist is allowed.
A point is a technique that is scored by a competitor in-bounds and up-right (not considered down) without time being called that strikes a competitor with the allowable amount of contact and control to a legal target area.
Legal target areas are:
- All divisions are allowed controlled contact kicks and punches to the front and sides of the torso.
- Black Belts age 12 and up and Adult color belts age 15 and up are allowed controlled contact kicks and punches to the back of the chest guard but not the spine.
- Black Belts age 12 and up and Adult color belts age 15 and up are allowed controlled contact kicks to the facial area, and sides of the head.
Illegal targets:
- No competitor in any division is allowed to strike any area below the belt, the top and back of the head, or the spine
- Black Belts below age 12, and Junior Color Belts (14 and under) are not allowed to kick or punch to the back of the chest guard
- There is no head contact of any type for Black Belts below age 12, and for Junior Color Belts age 15 and under.
All competitors must maintain self-control in the ring, only kicks and punches with light and/or semi contact are allowed. Referees may disqualify competitors for excessive contact.
Illegal techniques include:
- Intentional attacks to any illegal target area
- Any technique to a downed competitor
- Any technique performed after the Center Referee calls “stop”
- Head butts, hair pulls, bites, scratches, pinching, slapping
- Strikes with elbows or knees
- Attacks to the eye(s)
- Grabbing, take downs, throws or sweeps
- Uncontrolled blind techniques
- Any other uncontrolled dangerous techniques that are deemed unsafe
Warnings include, but are not limited to:
- Grabbing, pushing or holding
- Intentionally falling down, turning the back or moving out of the ring to avoid an attack
- Pretending injury
- Intentionally attacking with the knee or elbow or other illegal attack
- Intentionally attacking an illegal target
- Unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of the competitor or coach
Minus points include but are not limited to:
- Attacking a fallen opponent
- Intentionally attacking after the Center Referee stops the match
- Intentionally attacking an illegal target with excessive force
- Intentionally attacking with the knee or elbow or other illegal attack with excessive force
- Throwing an opponent
- Violent or extreme remarks or behavior on the part of the competitor or coach
Disqualification may result from any of the following:
- Any 2 minus points
- Any illegal techniques, warnings, or minus points resulting in competitor being unable to continue
- Drawing blood, based on the circumstances that caused it
Additional information pages:
Registration or event questions? Email [email protected] or call 973-744-1666
Registration or event questions? Email [email protected] or call 973-744-1666